Things You Should Know About WordPress 6.0 Update’s Full Site Editing

Things You Should Know About WordPress 6.0 Update’s Full Site Editing

It started with a teaser template editor in WordPress 5.8, and now, just seven months later, WordPress 6.0 offers a comprehensive full site editing experience with its latest update.

Full Site Editing is one of those truly game-changing features that make it so much easier to work on every aspect of your site. It lets you adjust your layout and web design with a user-friendly interface, similar to how an easy page builder does.

This blog has everything you need to know about the full site editing feature of WordPress 6.0’s latest update — what it is, what you can do with it, how to use it, and so much more!  

What is Full Site Editing?

This new WordPress feature lets you use blocks to design every part of your website, not just the content area. It allows users to create page layouts, reuse block patterns, and customize site headers effortlessly. You can essentially build entire websites using Gutenberg blocks.

WordPress 6.0 introduces site-wide style defaults for blocks, allowing you to customize them individually within the editor. You can also fine-tune these styles using the theme.json file.

With the New Features of WordPress 6.0, What Can You Do?

One of the advantages of full site editing is it simplifies website management. Previously, you had to switch between various panels to modify a page template or theme — a confusing process especially for newbies. Full site editing eliminates that obstacle and puts everything within reach.

Boost the Writing Experience

Whether you’re improving an existing place with new elements or writing a new post, entire site editing streamlines content creation with content marketing agency India. WordPress 6.0 comes with new functionalities to boost the writing experience. You can:

• Type “[[“ (two open brackets) to view the list of recent posts and pages.

• Make social icons and tag clouds more appealing with updated settings and controls.

• Transform blocks without changing existing styles, such as from Code block to Paragraph block.

• Select text across several blocks to simplify copying and pasting.

• Add new buttons and customize them, or automatically retain customization styles.

Enable Style Swapping

Styles got a significant update in WordPress 6.0. You can now make custom web designs and switch between pre-saved styles effortlessly to save time. It just takes one click to change the website’s appearance, including typography, colors, and visual elements.

If you're using a block theme, explore the Styles option on the Customize Theme page. This feature offers a wide range of design styles to match your website's aesthetic. Say goodbye to generic templates — you now have the freedom to create a truly unique online presence!

Increase the Use of Integrated Patterns

Patterns are now easier to find in WordPress 6.0. You can access them in the quick inserter and use them to make new headers or footers. If you're a theme developer, you can register patterns directly from the Pattern Directory using theme.json. This allows you to prioritize patterns that are most valuable to your theme's users.

Improve the Options for Your Template

WordPress 6.0 introduced 5 new template options for block themes:

1. Author

2. Tag

3. Categories

4. Date

5. Taxonomy

These templates are now more customizable with familiar WordPress tools. You can:

• Adjust featured image sizes

• Use featured images in the cover block

• Use the Quick Inserter to display the parts and patterns of a template while editing between blocks or at the root. This will let you experiment with one-of-a-kind layouts and work efficiently.

• Use the query block to filter content by author and taxonomy, and customize empty results displays.

Apply New Design Tools to Expand Your Creativity

The latest changes in WordPress 6.0 bring more intuitive and powerful design tools, such as:

• New border control for precise border setting.

• A new color panel design to optimize space while offering a quick overview of color options.

• Transparency levels for exploring color variations.

• A Group block for managing a collection of blocks at the same time, controlling typography, margins, gaps, and others.

• Switch between group, stack, and row variations seamlessly to position the blocks while maintaining layout flexibility.

• Gap support functionality lets you generate different looks in the Gallery block.

Take Advantage of an Improved List View

WordPress 6.0’s List view now shows nested blocks, color codes, and collapsible panels. With this feature, you can drag and drop blocks seamlessly within a list rather than dragging them around the editor canvas.

You can now also use keyboard shortcuts for efficient block selection. Simply Press Shift + up/down arrows or Shift + Click to select multiple blocks in the List view and edit them together.

The improved List view is also more accessible. It can be quickly opened and closed and automatically expands when you select a block.

Boost User Accessibility

With the Block Manager, it’s now possible to use a screen reader to announce search results. You can also use VoiceOver to read placeholder descriptions for a more informative experience. This is helpful for users with screen readers who need clear feedback while saving drafts.

How to Allow WordPress 6.0 to Edit the Entire Site

Full Site Editing works only with compatible themes, so be sure to find one to take advantage of this update. As of writing, only Block Themes work with the Site Editor because they use the block structure. After installing and activating a compatible theme, go to Appearance and Site Editor, and the latest WordPress 6.0 features will be good to go.

Reach Your Website Objectives with the Assist of WordPress Experts

From a humble blogging platform in 2003 to a comprehensive website builder, WordPress has come a long way in providing site administrators and designers unmatched control over their sites and content.

That said, editing and designing a WordPress site can still be time-consuming and complicated, especially if you lack the relevant technical expertise and knowledge. This is why experienced web development companies in India are required to build your website according to your needs.


WordPress 6.0’s Full Site Editing update offers new exciting features to give you more control over your website’s layout and design. This advancement empowers you to make more customized and dynamic web experiences. By leveraging full site editing, you can elevate your online presence and unlock new possibilities with your content.